FUCHS - The Golden Years Anniversary Project

In celebration of our 50th Anniversary, the Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation proudly announces the introduction of our next national flagship project, branded "FUCHS - The Golden Years". The project will extend over the period 2016 to 2019 and will culminate in the Foundation's Anniversary celebration during August 2019.

Overall Goal and Nature of the Funding

This national project aims to celebrate 50 years of grantmaking excellence by the Foundation in South Africa. Over this period, our grantmaking practice has focused in predominantly four strategic areas and hence the funding that is available as part of this project has also been structured into these four categories, including the following:

Childcare & Youth Development - projects that aim to improve the quality of life and/or reduce the risks for all children living within this country, but particularly those of marginalized children.

Health Services - programmes that provide health care services, specifically to disadvantaged citizens (including adults and children) and that provide both prevention and/or intervention services in all fields of health care/medical conditions.

Higher Education - development interventions/programmes/services at HE universities/universities of technology/TVET colleges that aim to promote academic excellence/remove the obstacles to learning, preferably for students that are challenged in some way (socially, economically, physically).

Technology Development, Innovation & Entrepreneurship - interventions that promote technology development, facilitate innovation/new design and that focus on entrepreneurship development (including awareness/skills development/incubation programmes).

You will notice that these categories have purposefully been defined very broadly. The objective here is for applicants to submit proposals that are based on their true core business or own programme focus (and not to "fit the funder's scheme/agenda" in an attempt to obtain funding for non-core activities).

Who can apply?

Registration as a non-profit organisation or educational institution is a prerequisite for submitting an application to the Foundation. Both past beneficiaries (that have received funding previously) and "new" applicants (that have never received funding from the Foundation) may apply.

How to apply

In order to be considered for funding, applicants are required to submit a written application that is structured according to a prescribed format to the Foundation (please consult the paragraph "Proposal/Application Format" below).

  • Applications are to be submitted electronically to the email address that is supplied later on in this document.
  • No "standard" application forms are to be used as part of this process.
  • Each applicant is allowed to submit only one proposal (you should thus select the particular category within which you wish to apply first).
  • The closing date for submissions is 29 April 2016.
  • Successful applicants will be selected during May 2016.
  • Selected project beneficiaries will be informed by the end of May 2016, while the first tranches of funding will be made available at the beginning of June 2016.

Some important elements to bear in mind when submitting an application

The following grant criteria will apply during the selection process:

  • Each application will be assessed on its own merit.
  • Both existing projects and new/planned initiatives will be considered and, likewise, comprehensive/complete projects or elements/parts of a larger project/programme may be submitted.
  • Beneficiaries that are selected to receive funding will be required to enter into a grant agreement with the Foundation, which will stipulate the reporting and recognition requirements to be adhered to. This will include the submission of regular written progress reports (both narrative and financial), on-site project visits by the funder and a final assessment of the impact of your project (scheduled for May 2019).
  • It is envisaged that a total of twelve beneficiaries will be funded by the Foundation (three organisations in each of the four categories).
  • The selection made by the Foundation is final and no correspondence will be entered into with applicants that are not successful in being selected to receive funding.
  • The following aspects would be important in considering your application:
      - alignment between your application and the Foundation's strategic grantmaking objectives
      - the project's impact/outcomes/the difference that the proposed intervention will make
      - a realistic implementation plan
      - a feasible budget
      - future sustainability of the project (beyond the funder's involvement)
      - your organisation's credibility
      - potential marketing exposure/recognition for the Foundation.

Funding instalments and the grand prize

  • Proposals should contain a detailed, itemized budget and its expenses should directly relate to the project/programme/intervention that is being submitted for consideration (and not to "general running costs" of the applicant organisation).
  • The funding available per beneficiary organisation amounts to R 2 250 000 over the project period (2016 - 2019).
  • Grants are to be paid in tranches over the project period and each beneficiary's grant value will escalate year-on-year.
  • Applicants are required to structure their budgets over this period as follows:
      - R400 000 in 2016
      - R500 000 in 2017
      - R600 000 in 2018
      - R750 000 in 2019.
  • Funding tranches will be released at the funder's discretion, based upon satisfactory progress being made and meeting the reporting requirements of the Foundation.
  • In addition to the funding stipulated above, the Anniversary project will involve a "competition element". The beneficiary projects will be selected, monitored and assessed by a Fuchs Foundation panel and the project that is evaluated to have produced the greatest impact over the project period will be awarded a "grand prize", amounting to an additional R1 000 000 in funding during 2019. The prize winner will be announced as part of the Anniversary celebration event on 1 August 2019.

What are the guidelines for structuring an application?

A grant proposal (maximum 10 pages) that address the following aspects should be prepared and submitted to the Foundation:

  1. A short profile of the organization (focusing on the questions "who we are/where we come from and what we do/the services we provide").
  2. The problem/need/opportunity statement (focusing on the questions "who are our beneficiaries and what is the need or problem that we wish to address/the opportunity we want to take advantage of").
  3. The proposed intervention, outcomes and benefits (focusing on the questions "what do we want to do in order to address the above problem, need or opportunity and what will be its impact/end results/outcomes").
  4. The proposed budget (a detailed, itemized budget), including quotations (where relevant).
  5. Contact details: name of contact person/responsible project leader, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, postal address, registration details (for example, NPO registration number) - all of this on your official letterhead, please.
  6. Banking details of your organisation (name of the bank, account name and number, type of account, branch name and branch code).
  7. The flagship project category within which you wish to submit the application (Please see Grant categories under "Overall Goal and Nature of the Funding" above).

Apart from the written proposal, applicants are also encouraged to include audio/visual support material (for example photographs, newspaper clippings, letters, illustrations, etc).

Applications are required to be submitted electronically to:

  • Please do not include large photo's/attachments/lengthy supporting documents.
  • Applications should reach our offices by no later than 13:00 on 29 April 2016.
  • It is advisable to submit your application as early as possible and no late applications will be considered.
  • Should you have a question that is not addressed in this call-for-proposals, you are welcome to email your question to the Foundation at for a response.