In celebration of our 50th Anniversary, the Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation planned and launched a national flagship project, branded "FUCHS - The Golden Years" during late 2015. The implementation of the project extended over the period 2016 to 2019 and culminated in the Foundation's recent Anniversary celebration on 1 August 2019. During the Anniversary celebration event, an extension phase to the current national flagship was announced and this document contains the call-for-proposals relevant to the said extended funding cycle.
The categories of grants available:
The purpose of the extension phase funding remains in line with the initial goal of the national flagship project, which is to celebrate fifty years of grantmaking impact by the Foundation in South Africa. Likewise, the funding that is available as part of this phase has also been structured into the existing four grantmaking focus areas, including the following:
- Childcare & Youth Development
- Health Services
- Higher Education
- Technology Development, Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Who can apply?
The current invitation represents a "closed" call-for-proposals. Hence applications will only be considered from beneficiary organisations that had been funded during the initial phase (2016 - 2019) of the national flagship project and no other or "new" applications will be considered.
How to apply
- In order to be considered for funding, applicants are required to submit a written application that is structured according to a prescribed format to the Foundation (please closely follow the guidelines provided in the paragraph "proposal/application format" below).
- Applications are only to be submitted electronically to the email address that is supplied at the end of this document and in no other format.
- No "standard" application forms are to be used as part of this process.
- Each applicant is allowed to submit only one proposal.
- The closing date for submissions is 30 September 2019.
- Successful applicants will be selected during October/November 2019.
- Selected project beneficiaries will be informed by the end of November 2019, while the first tranches of funding will be made available at the beginning of March 2020.
Some important elements to bear in mind when submitting an application
The following grant criteria will apply during the selection process:
- Continuation funding is only available to current national flagship project beneficiary organisations, but such funding is by no means "automatic" for beneficiary organisations that were funded during the initial phase of the project.
- Each application submitted will be assessed afresh and on its own merit.
- Both comprehensive/complete projects or elements/parts of a larger project/programme may be submitted. However, the extension phase funding is required to be directly related to the continuation/extension/expansion of the work that had been funded during the initial phase (in other words, applicants are not allowed to submit an entirely new/different/unrelated proposal/activity, which is simply undertaken by the same organisation).
- Beneficiaries that are selected to receive funding will be required to enter into a new grant agreement with the Foundation, which will stipulate the reporting and recognition requirements to be adhered to. This will again include the submission of written progress reports (both narrative and financial, which will be due by respectively the end of June and November 2020), an on-site project visit by the funder and/or a panel assessment of the impact of your project.
- The selection made by the Foundation is final and no correspondence will be entered into with applicants who are not successful in being selected to receive funding.
- The following aspects would be important in considering your application:
- alignment between your application and the Foundation's strategic grantmaking objectives
- the project's impact/outcomes/the difference that the proposed intervention will make
- a realistic implementation plan that covers the calendar year 2020 - a feasible budget
- future sustainability of the project (beyond the funder's involvement)
- potential marketing exposure/recognition for the Foundation.
Total funding value and installments:
- Proposals should contain a detailed, itemized budget and its expenses should directly relate to the project/programme/intervention that is being submitted for consideration (and not simply represent "general running costs" of the applicant organisation).
- The extension funding available per beneficiary organisation amounts to R750 000 over the project period (the calendar year 2020).
- Grants are to be paid in two equal tranches of R375 000 over the project period (at the beginning of March and September 2020).
- Funding tranches will be released at the funder's discretion, based upon satisfactory progress being made and meeting the reporting requirements of the Foundation.
What are the guidelines for structuring an application?
A grant proposal (maximum 5 pages) that address the following aspects should be prepared and submitted to the Foundation:
- A very brief profile of the organization/project (focusing on the questions "who we are/where we come from and what we do/the services we provide/what the overall project aims to achieve").
- A short synopsis of what had been achieved during the initial phase of funding (2016 - 2019) and a description/explanation of how the extension phase application relates to, or extends/enhances/expands/builds on/continues to support the objectives of the initial phase.
- The actual problem/need/opportunity statement (focusing on the questions "who are our beneficiaries and what is the need or problem that we wish to address/the opportunity we want to take advantage of").
- The proposed intervention, outcomes and benefits (focusing on the questions "what do we want to do in order to address the above problem, need or opportunity and what will be its projected impact/end results/outcomes/benefits").
- The proposed budget (a detailed, itemized budget), including quotations (where relevant - for example, for capital expenses/equipment, etc).
Apart from the written proposal, applicants may include audio/visual support material (for example photographs, newspaper clippings, letters, illustrations, etc - on the condition that such material has not already been supplied during the initial phase, in other words: please do not duplicate material that is already in our possession).
- Applications are required to be submitted electronically to:
- Please do not include large photo's/attachments/lengthy supporting documents.
- Applications should reach our offices by no later than 13:00 on Monday, 30 September 2019.
- It is advisable to submit your application as early as possible and no late applications will be considered.
- Should you have a question that is not addressed in this call-for-proposals, you are welcome to email your question to the Foundation at for a response, or to call us on 011 315 9055, or contact Corne Booyens on 076 049 8404.
Disability Units, Services or Support Programmes for Students with Disabilities at all South African Universities/Universities of Technology are once again invited to submit funding proposals to the Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation.
Grant applications should relate to activities that aim at removing obstacles inhibiting the probability of academic performance for students with disabilities, both at post-graduate and undergraduate levels. Assistance to these students may well differ from one institution to the next and could include various services, such as the facilitation of greater accessibility, investment in human capital, the acquisition of specialized equipment, etc by the respective units/programmes. Grant applications should contain an itemized budget (substantiated by quotations, where relevant) and should also clearly stipulate how/how many students with disabilities are likely to benefit from the proposed intervention, equipment, assistance or services.
Each unit/programme is welcome to submit a maximum of 2 applications per institution, of which the monetary value should not exceed R50 000 per application.
Funding applications may not exceed 5 typed pages and should only be submitted electronically to the following address:
Please note that the closing date for applications is 13:00 on Friday, 11 October 2019 and no late applications will be considered. Will you please also copy the Advancement/Development/Fundraising Office at your institution when you submit a proposal to the Fuchs Foundation.