A. Our funding is focused in three areas - Childcare, Health Services and Higher Education Programmes - and it is unlikely that a topic outside of these areas will receive funding.
A. There is no specified funding limit and you should apply for the exact budget that is required in order to successfully implement the project/part of the project that you are applying for.
A. There is no specific deadline or cut-off date and you are welcome to submit your application whenever you are ready - the earlier, the better.
A. Upon receiving your request, you will receive an acknowledgement letter from the Foundation and it could take up to six months to receive final approval for the actual funding. Please also refer to steps 4 to 6 under "How to Apply".
A. Proposals should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and could be mailed to: The Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation, P O Box 1910, Halfway House, 1685 or it could be e-mailed to: or it could be delivered/couriered to: The Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation, 1st Floor, Block 2, Waterfall Terraces, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, Midrand. Submission via email is preferred.
A. You are welcome to include written publications and audio-visual material in support of your application.
A. You are welcome to e-mail your application to: (but please do not enclose large volumes of data or many photographs that take a long time to download).
A. You are welcome to draft your application in any professional funding application format - we do not make use of standard application forms. Presenting your project proposal as a logical concept forms part of the assessment process.
A. Your proposal should not be longer than 10 typed pages in total.
A. During the initial round, we recommend that you submit only your funding proposal, some limited substantiating material (such as photographs, etc), your budget and proof of your registration as an NPO, as well as your banking details.
A. Calls-for-proposals appear under the "Our Grants" area on this website.
A. Please refer to the "Our Strategy" area on this website.
A. There are eight steps to be followed as part of the application process - they appear under the "How To Apply" area on this website.
A. Should your application be successful, you will be required to enter into a grant agreement with the Foundation, whereafter you will receive your funding (normally in tranches). During the implementation process, your progress, funding utilization and your project results/outcomes will be monitored and its impact will be assessed. Recognition for the funding received will also be negotiated.