We distinguish between two kinds of applications:

Solicited Funding

In this category, we determine the focus areas/topics of required impact; we design the development interventions, their key performance indicators, assessment measurement methodology, etc and then we invite applications through a call-for-proposals process.

Unsolicited Applications

These are applications that applicants submit to the Foundation on their own initiative, often as part of their own or a general fundraising/resource mobilization drive.

In the instance of solicited applications, each call-for-proposals specifies how/when/where/in what format/for how much funding you may apply. For more information on our recent, current or future calls-for-proposals, click here.

If you are not responding to a call-for-proposals, but wish to submit an unsolicited request for funding, here are the steps in the process that you should follow:

First, read the sections on "Our Grantmaking Strategy" and "What We Do & Don't Fund" in order to gain an understanding of the focus areas within which we make grants and to check that your activity is not one of the exclusion areas in which we do not provide funding.

Select the category within which you wish to apply (please see "Our Grantmaking Strategy" for the various categories/focus areas).

Next, submit your funding application (via mail, e-mail or physical delivery/courier) to the Foundation. Your proposal should be drafted in your own format - no application forms are relevant here. Kindly do not submit proposals that are longer than 10 typed pages in total (you are welcome to include visual material). Also ensure that you have included the budget detail that you are requesting from the Foundation.

Wait for our response, in the format of an acknowledgement letter that informs you that your application is "pending", what will happen next (and when), or a letter that indicates that your submission has regrettably not been successful.

If your application is proceeding to the next level, your project will be assessed by the Foundation and you will be requested to supply us with a range of substantiating documents, such as your NPO Registration Certificate, PBO Letter from SARS, your organization's budget, letters of referral, etc. This step may also include interviews, presentations and/or on-site visits.

If your project is recommended for funding to our Board, your application will be considered at one of the Foundation's quarterly Board meetings and you will be advised of the outcome directly thereafter. Due to the large volume of applications received, most submissions can only be dealt with in the quarter following the one in which the submission was done - thus, you should expect a final answer only within six months.

You will receive formal notification of your grant approval, as well as a grant agreement to be signed next, whereafter the funding (often in tranches) will be electronically transferred into your organization's nominated banking account.

During implementation, regular progress reporting, on-site visits and an impact assessment at the end of your implementation process will be undertaken. Formal recognition and/or media exposure for the funding received from the Foundation might also be required.